Logo Design

As an essential part of your business identity a logo encapsulates who you are, your product, services and philosophy.  In most cases it’s visually the first point of contact, whether seen on your business stationery, your brochure, in adverts, on the website or your products, therefore it needs to be distinctive and be able to retain it’s integrity within these different mediums.

Dorney Court Kitchen Garden

The designs were developed from what 17th century artists thought a pineapple looked like, combined with some embellishment and a classic font produced these distinctive logos, one for the garden centre and the other for the landscaping side of the company.

Dorney Court Kitchen Garden

City Farm Systems

The Cloudgro/Cloudgrown system literally grows the most perishable fresh products on the roofs of supermarkets. The logo was developed to emphases the change from CloudGro when it’s growing on the roof, to CloudGrown when it’s sold by the supermarket within the store.

City Farm Systems

My Wedding Words

A logo developed from the MWW of My Wedding Words to create a diamond. The company produced wedding and wedding anniversary framed gifts using the words or poems that were said as part of the wedding ceremony.

My Wedding Words


A logo for a small aircraft surveillance company, I realised that the one thing that keeps a microlight in the air is the propeller, and using the yellow and black from nature helps to create this distinctive logo.


Academy Productions

The wedding lighting company asked me to produce a distinctive logo that would not only appeal to them but also to their main customers, young brides. From the range that I designed two were selected, from which this design was chosen by all the brides.

Academy Productions
British Airways
Johnson & Johnson
Sun International
British Airways

Do you have a Design Project?

If you would like an estimate on any forthcoming projects, please contact me.


Steve Yard-Young
Yard-Young Design
7 George Close
SL7 1TR.

Tel: 07768 804 573
E: steve@yardyoungdesign.co.uk

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